This section gives an overview when which person became a member of our team and how IT4C became to be.
It all began ~2017, when Alex, who made the initial website for the DEMOCRACY project, met with Ulf in Karlsruhe to evaluate the state of election methods available in universities at given time. Ulf started to work with DEMOCRACY and when the project had its public appearance Wolle made contact to work with the project as an influencer.
Human Connection
Most of us met again 2019 at Human Connection. This time all as developers to implement the envisioned social network. Wolle was first, followed by Alex and Ulf. While Ulf left for DEMOCRACY again, Hannes volunteered and Moriz joined the Team, till the project ended 2020 as Human Connection and was transformed into ocelot.social.
Ocelot.Social – End of Human Connection
In the last quarter of 2020 Human Connection was ended as a project and the source code was republished under the name ocelot.social. Wolle, Alex, Ulf and Moriz continued on the project and released wir.social to keep ocelot.social alive. Let’s try out the social network live on stage.ocelot.social.
In 2021 most of the team joined the Gradido project. As always our scout Alex was first, followed by Ulf, who was residing in Norway at the time. Soon after Moriz joined up and Hannes came on board in Summer 2021. When Ulf went on a trip to Italy Wolle could finally be convinced to join, soon followed by Mathias.
During 2022 the Yunite-Team approached the team to get a new social network going based on ocelot.social. The new network was release on 01.11.2022 under the name yunite.me.
With the start of 2023 the IT4C brand name and website was established to allow the team members to present themselves and the team as a whole.